- Auburn Middle School
- Bartholomew and Company Office Renovation
- Center for Well Being
- Clinton Middle School
- College of the Holy Cross Brooks Concert Hall/Arts Studio
- College of the Holy Cross Hogan Center Renovations
- College of the Holy Cross Kimball Hall
- College of the Holy Cross Seelos Theater
- College of the Holy Cross Stein Café
- College of the Holy Cross Thomas P. Joyce ’59 Contemplative Center
- Community Healthlink Renovations
- Creative Hub Worcester
- Crompton Park Pool
- Doherty Memorial High School
- East Park Splash Pad
- Fitchburg City Hall Feasibility Study
- Hanover Theatre
- IGC Pro Shop
- Jabish Brook Middle School
- John & Kay Bassett Admissions Center
- JR Briggs Elementary School
- Learning Resource Center
- Leominster High School Addition/Renovation
- Lincoln Street Elementary School
- Major Howard W. Beal Elementary School
- Mercy Centre
- Michelson Theater
- Millbury Federal Credit Union
- Monty Tech Veterinary Clinic
- Mountview Middle School
- Nelson Place Elementary School
- Quinsigamond Elementary School
- Sherwood Middle School
- Shrewsbury High School
- Shrewsbury Public Library Addition and Renovation
- South High Community School
- Sullivan Auditorium
- The Cultural Center at Eagle Hill School
- The Haven Country Club
- Webster Head Start
- Westborough Public Library
- Worcester Technical High School