Credentials and Specialization
Most people have probably seen that Venn diagram where one’s “perfect job” lies at the intersection of opportunity, skills, and interests. In the field of architecture, there are seemingly endless specializations and niches where one can find opportunity in the things they have an aptitude for and get excited about.
LPA|A has been both intentional and fortunate to build a team with individual expertise across the range of necessary skills for successful projects. Recently, LPA|A Associate Mike Williams completed a set of courses that have earned him the CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) Professional Designation. This 64-hour program dives deep into the ways the design of indoor and outdoor spaces can encourage pro-social behaviors to create attractive, thriving, and safe communities.
With an ever-increasing emphasis on safety and security, having expertise in this area within the firm is a benefit to clients and is something Mike is passionate about.
“I have always had an interest in enhancing the safety and security of the places we create and believe this can be done in a way that doesn’t solely rely on technology and obtrusive physical measures,” said Mike. “CPTED reinforces the concepts of visually connecting with the surroundings, displaying pride in ownership, creatively controlling access, and an increasing awareness of the impacts of maintenance, all in order to physically and perceptually create safe, comfortable , and inspiring places. These concepts are very scalable, and can be adapted to any number of opportunities on a given project. I’m excited to bring these principles to current and future projects at LPA|A.”
Similarly, LPA|A’s Building Envelope Technology Director Mike Oldakowski has been the firm’s leading authority on envelope design. For several years Mike has led an internal group to transfer some of his knowledge and expertise to his colleagues.
Envelope design is a key component in the energy efficiency of buildings, and with the growing importance of sustainability and more and more stringent requirements and standards, Mike has been working hard to stay ahead of code requirements, standards of measurement and evolving technologies. Toward that effort, Mike recently completed the training requirements to earn his Phius Certified Passive House Consultant credential.
The certification program, as defined by Phius is, “focused on applying passive building principals in a cost-optimized, climate-specific manner.” This extensive training built upon the wealth of knowledge Mike has acquired over decades of experience.
In the ever-evolving field of architecture, staying ahead of new developments is critical, so when people can explore the things they gravitate to out of interest and aptitude, individuals and communities alike will benefit.
Categorized In: Articles, News
Tagged In: envelope design, Leadership, security, Technology
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