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collaborative meeting

LPA|A is Hiring

head shots of christina and sean

Promotion of Two New Principals Announced

students gathered in the beal elementary school media center

Beal Elementary Selected for Model School Program

Mike Oldakowski giving a talk on the construction site of Doherty High

Credentials and Specialization

Peter Caruso

Peter Caruso Promoted to Firm Principal

Chris Lee

Chris Lee Promoted to Design Director

water feature built into a wall in front of seating arranged in a circle around a small table

Spaces for Holistic Health and Well Being

people in hard hats and other safety gear walk through the Doherty High construction site

Construction Trades Career Fair at Doherty High

Thompson Hall

Renovating Auditoria for Contemporary Higher Education

Entrance to the center for well-being

WPI Invests in their Community’s Well Being

graphic of classrooms in school showing sustainable design features

Our Sustainability Focus and the Changing Code Requirements

several staff sit at a table in a conference room discussing envelope design

Exterior Envelope Detailing Group Starts Up

an in-person visioning session with a group of teachers around a table sharing school design ideas

Visioning Sessions Begin for Clinton Middle School Project