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mike pagano at his desk at the LPA|A office

Mike Pagano’s Career and Legacy

Worcester T&G Profiles Mike Pagano

Nelson Place Elementary Welcomes Students

Mike Pagano Announces Retirement from LPA

lobby area of the mountview middle school. A few people are in small groups throughout the large space

Mountview Middle School, Holden

aerial photo of the Shrewsbury Public Library facing the front of the historic building

Shrewsbury Public Library

peter caruso

LPA’s Peter Caruso Cited as Leadership Worcester Success Story

children play and learn through recreation worcester

Fostering a Culture of Giving Back

Boylston Project Completed, Leicester Renovation Breaks Ground

USGBC Offers Tour of Nelson Place Elementary School

exterior view of the entrance to mountview middle school in holden, massachusetts

Mountview Middle School’s First Year in Operation

Planning Public Construction Projects